n.5 of 18 versions of thoughtlessness is a performance-installation that includes elements of film, text, sound, movement improvisation and choreography.
In the live performance the movement generates from impulses to make a change in the configuration of the body. Waiting for an initiation, and acknowledging the movement. This produces a shift in the attention or interest in what is happening to a certain area of the body, which moves in thoughtlessness and responds to the changes.
The video element shows gestural hand movements with a more deliberate dynamic, creating a rhythm with precision.
Part of the score to which the piece is performed derives from spoken texts, overlapped in layers producing a confused flow of thought. The movement is clear, whereas the text, disconnected and inorganic, is superimposed to it or to stillness (which deals with dance as a practice, perception and change) gets more and more complex as the voices interfere with one another.
As the piece evolves alternating waves where the attention is brought more to one or another aspect of the installation/performance, the movement quality changes to more deliberate, chosen and consciously paced.
“This is a strange beast, it does what it wants each time it is performed.
I know the beast, only if I need to. The aboutness of the body, the questions I can ask when the aboutness is instant coffee and catches me off balance, allow things to transform in conversation with the beast. Are you looking for something?”
“n.5 of 18 versions of thoughtlessness” will be presented at FLOCK, Sweden in August 2014 and premiered at Vondelbunker, Amsterdam with sound artist H.A. van Hees on 13th September as part of Amsterdam Free Fringe Festival 2014.
video from Performance at
Chisenhale Dance Space
With H.A. van Hees (live sound)
Photo: tatiana todorovic