in the event of_2 march_DSC00756 (1)

CHOREOGRAPHY_In the event of


Duration: 20’

(video excerpt)


Choreography and texts: Irina Baldini

Sound: H.a. van Hees

Performance: Andrew Demetriou, Artemise Ploegaerts, Elisa Vassena, Irina Baldini


“I believe in the so called impossible. I do not ask whether it is going to happen or not. I do it because I am driven to bounce off of extremities, three dimensionally zigzagging star shaped journeys, living of the direction. Movement going from somewhere to another somewhere, none of these places being factually sustainable for long. Skimming quickly through the middle which I clearly want to avoid, as it soon would become a place of stagnation and lack of life. It is life that I am after. Movement is life as for as long as we are breathing we are alive.”



Short bio Collaborators:


Andrew Demetriou -PhD Candidate at Technical University of Delft-

My research interests broadly include: love, and small and large-scale human social bonding, their relationships to optimal mental states such as mindfulness, transient hypofrontality and flow, during synchronized activities such as musical performance or appreciation, and initial acquaintance.


Artémise Ploegaerts -video artist, dancer, choreographer-

Working with different media such as dance performance, video, and archival material, her practice aims to stress the links between the moving body and people’s background and history, and between the human body and its environment. Through their portrait in movement (looking at the way one person moves), she wishes to highlight the political and socio-cultural contexts that have directly organized/shaped them.


Elisa Vassena -miscellaneous-

I walk through visions and associations. They either become matter, vapour or some (quite a few) land on others’ cheeks and chins in the form of odd comments (bad timing is my key). Often I feel like a Pandora vase. Limbs, and hair, and organs, water of images and thoughts, billions of them cascading off my occupied space, going into space, disobeying gravity.


H.a. van Hees -Feedback operator at BSE on Radio Patapoe-

producing live noise since 2012 in Radio Patapoe show BSE by HASE


Photo credit:
Theo van Loon