Presenting Performance in response to space itself and/or the structure of a present exhibition: it is spectacle, it is research, it is creation, it is education, it is open to collaboration between artists. Performance offers an opportunity to reflect on the deeper connections between visual art space and dance, a container of objects clashing with the living performing body, always in the here and now. The invitation is not to come and consume knowledge, but to create it.
Outdancing Gallery entails a sense of ‘ownership’ of the space and encourages movers and public to gain confidence in inhabiting the spaces they walk into.
When Dance finds a home in locations, Art galleries or museums it encounters a different public to that found in theatres. Dancer, musician and choreographer must really work from the space and with its challenges, contextualizing the piece in the specific chosen setting, and meeting the visitor in an environment that questions the roles of the two sides, performer and viewer.
Motivated by this, this proposal intends to initiate collaborations between Spaces and Dances to further explore the fluid territory of stages for performance. It is designed to encourage audiences to be more frequent visitors to spaces designated to different fields of the arts and vice-versa to meet the uncommon public who may not encounter dance otherwise, combining a more diverse audience.