VIDEO: La strada della vergogna

video 5 min
performed and filmed 26-27.5.2017 on location
screened 30.5.2017 at Castello Rufo Ruffo, Scaletta Zanclea (ME) IT

The location: a disrupted road. The locals of this town tell the story of the flood that destroyed part of it in 2009, carrying with it numerous inhabitants, houses, the road to the cemetery. This road is now called Strada Della Vergogna (road of shame) as it is more than 8 years since the disaster and no work has been done to repair damages.
The movement language: present and absent body, in dialogue with the landscape. The height and the proximity with danger reoccur. Slow pace versus sharp edges resonate with the rhythm of the surrounding: water streaming from the hill, rocks, still brittle, crumble under walking feet.
Sound and text: the sound of wind, stretched, pitched, a constant presence at height. Words were chosen along the way, listening to stories, listening to sensations, recalling the history and bringing attention to the present.

This project was proposed as a tool of communication and promotion of  performance-art and use of territorial potential for research and performance purposes.
During a laboratory of several days, we collected depositions and materials for the production of a work or an urban story of activities through the mediums of writing, installation,video-documenting and dance/performance happening.

The period was focused on exploration of territory, observation of various locations for a wide understanding of what spaces are like, and people we liked to involve in the project.

Trasformatorio 21-21st May 2017 is an international residency focusing on practices related to site-specific performance. It’s objective is to integrate the practice of the Hacklab with the research over performative arts and sustainability. To do so trasformatorio rely on a integrated approach experimenting with artistic methodologies in a co-design setting, crafted according to a ever changing situation. Since 2016 trasformatorio is part of the experimental research projects hosted by, a international foundation and think (and do) tank based in Amsterdam.

more info on the program